AI Detector Free

Detect GPT, Claude, Gemini, and other large models with high accuracy through sequential analysis.

Your data is not stored, ensuring complete security.

There are no limitations on text length or usage frequency, and the service is entirely free.

While processing may take a bit longer, we prioritize accuracy and security for your peace of mind.


High accuracy free AI detector

Highly Accurate

Detect AI-generated content with precision, leveraging insights from leading AI models like ChatGPT, PaLM2, Claude, Gemini, LLaMA2, T5, Megatron-Turing, Gopher, and more. Each model’s unique characteristics are carefully analyzed to ensure top-tier accuracy.

Privacy First

Your data is never stored, processed, or retained on our servers at any point during or after your interactions with our services. We prioritize your privacy and ensure that all information remains secure and transient, with no permanent storage or unauthorized access.

Free to Use

Analyze your content at no cost. There are no limitations on text length or usage frequency, and the service is entirely free.


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